Nobody wants to work with crappy clients, you know the ones, they don’t listen to you, they know everything, they know how it’s supposed to be done, they don’t respect your skills and knowledge and they complain about the invoice and never pay you on time.
You tend to attract these types of clients when your focus is on price. If you have nothing that makes you different to any other trades person in your market place then price is the only thing people are going to use to differentiate you with other competitors they have received a quote from.
There are 6 mistakes trades people make when trying to convert the type of quotes they really want into their dream jobs are;
- They don’t spend enough time on the customer’s problems.
- They don’t talk about the different solutions / options they can offer.
- They never talk about the outcomes the customer can expect.
- They don’t use a model / system to show them what they do.
- They spend too much time talking about how they are going to do it.
- They don’t link value to the price.
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